Sunday, May 17, 2020

Friday+Saturday photos

I’m glad to be sleeping in my own bed. I have loved my time with my friends and already miss them.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Thursday photos

Scrap-a-Holic confession:

I am tired. I am exhausted. Stressed. I need this weekend of laughing, no adulting and relaxing! That’s what I’m here for.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Wednesday words + pictures WITL 2020

Today was BUSY. I'm just going to make this short and sweet. Pictures and words. I will probably be out of pocket the next few days and unable to post-we shall see. But I will be back next week to post album and such. 

Happy mail from when I returned from my morning interview.  It was literally like Christmas and it was AMAZING!!!!! Also-I had 2 interviews today and applied for a few more jobs.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  Drinks throughout the day.  Starbucks is a MUST whenever possible-I had money on my app so I didn't spend any money.  Phew. Sonic this evening because we made a run to my tax lady. Have to get those done ASAP because we are trying to buy a house and it is STRESSFUL!!!!!! This peacock....apparently lives close to my neighborhood. He is beautiful and he stops traffic everyday.  Literally-we need a peacock crossing sign. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Week In the Life: Tuesday Pictures+Words

Tuesday feels like a blur. I was busy and not busy all at the same time! I am loving paying attention to things and people going on around me.  

This lil bit loves sleeping with mama. I love having her in bed with me. Bad habit? Probably so. Do I care? Nope. Shes' my baby and I love having her near me.  She loves to snuggle and I love that. I will hold on and cherish it is as long as I possibly can.  
This is a view of my day all at once.  I had a dentist appt this morning and so I took a pic of me on my way (I feel like I look like a dude.) The book I'm reading right now.  I've been trying to read it for 6 months and I'm on page 9. I have given up several times-but I am determined now to push through.  It's a series and I LOVE almost all Nora Roberts books.  The picture of my computer with me in the background-I enjoy that one.  It's unique-its a picture of my frustration and my shadow.  We are trying to buy a house and I'm having technical trouble with stuff. (I'm not super stuffy).  The girls and I had to run to Dollar General for fritos for frito chili pie for dinner. It's been cool today and it was warm and easy! The oldest decided it was a good day to curl her hair-because she was bored. (insert eye roll). But her hair looks gorgeous! I LOVE it when she fixes it. 

Ending the day with chores.  She is getting really good at staying on top of her chores.  I wanted to capture this moment. This teenager, in my home, not talking back and just doing what she needs to do! 

I hope you all are enjoying this week of documenting. I know I am.  I am excited to see how it all comes together! Grab some tea or coffee, stay a while and leave some love. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Week In the Life: Monday

Welcome to Week in the Life Ali Edwards style! She does this project usually twice a year and I think this is the first time for 2020.  I LOVE this project.  This is a project where we look a little deeper into our lives on a daily view for a week. I have been doing this project almost every year for the past 10-all in different ways.  This year I will be using This Simple Stories album-it is 6x8 and the yellow just makes me HAPPY!!!!! I think we could all use a little happy right now. It'll be interesting to see how we all document this year since we are living a completely different lifestyle than we have before in our time. With all that said, I will share Monday pictures and stories with you! 

I decided to use my current TN for a list of things that need to be done.  I've been carrying this one around with me and writing down things as I think of them.  This is a list of things I want to clean out or straighten up-that I've been too busy with school with to do.  It's also just a list of daily things that have been neglected.  When I made the list this morning-I had high hopes-by the end of the day, most everything on this list will just move to tomorrow. 

Morning coffee+Dog.  I love everything in this picture.  This coffee mug the kids gave me Sunday for Mothers day and it is spot on.  Leopard print and mama life-that is me in a nutshell and my kids did good.  My dog sleeping in the background-he snores and is extremely loud! I often think he and hubby are competing to see who can make the most noise when they are asleep. 

This photo just makes me smile.  It's not the norm.  These days we are sleeping in and spending lots of time together.  I want to capture these moments of my family sleeping as often as I can.  These moments will go by way to fast and I am going to drown myself in these times.  That is one thing I can say since this Covid-19 has hit.  I have ENJOYED the slowing down of life, the family time and just being together without an overrun schedule.  

Middle kid syndrome.  Just kidding-this was a project he had to do for school-make a tower. He originally had the smaller, original legos and when he announced he was done it was the bigger legos.  Whatever works kid. I like that he thought about it all on his own and made it work. 

I saw this and it made me smile too.  My oldest is getting really good at cleaning and organizing and when she did her chores today she made this colorful bowl of drink fillers.  These are flavors the kids use in their water and I like the rainbow.  

I put on a pot of beans this morning-we are really trying to work on our budgeting, saving and buying a house.  Tonight I made homemade cornbread and we took it over to my in laws to eat.  I like feeding everyone and not having leftovers.  I am working on meal planning and prepping so that we are better at this.  This bowl is a set of 3 that I received for my birthday last week from my mother in law and I just absolutely LOVE this set.  I am so thankful that she listens to the little things I want and she has been working on them for 2 Christmases and 2 birthdays! 

I have been applying for jobs the last two days.  I graduated last week from college.  The job hunt begins.  I have decided I will start studying for the praxis so that I can work on my certification for teaching.  I thought when I graduated I would be done-not so much.  My calendar filled up this week with job interviews and appointments.  I'm pretty excited about it all though.  A new journey for me and my family and a step into where I want to be going. 

I took way more pictures than in this post-but not nearly as many as I normally do on day 1.  I don't want to post them ALL on here but I am willing to share a glimpse into our day here.  I hope you all enjoy it! Leave some love and your blog if you are participating and I'd love to come leave you some love and add your blog to my reading list! Thanks for hanging out a bit here today! 

Monday, May 11, 2020


Welcome to Confessions of a Scrapbook-A-Holic! See what I did there? Have you ever read "Confessions of a Shop-A-Holic" by Sophie Kinsella? Shopping used to be my favorite hobby.  As I have gotten older, that has changed to scrapbooking.  Do people give you the weird looks when you tell them what you do for fun? I sure do. Have you ever taken off work for a weekend or week long retreat and when they ask you what you're doing, you tell them and then you get the most ridiculous reactions? Yeah, me too. I just started telling people "I'm going for a girls weekend." Nobody needs to know what we are really doing, do they? I didn't think so either.  "What happens at the crop, stays at the crop." Right?! Anyway, I thought this fun, laid back blog would be a fun spot to leave our thoughts, creativity and just have some fun doing our hobby!!!! I hope you will pull up some coffee or tea and hang with me! I'm excited to share with everyone things I've learned and continue to learn. Sharing my creativity or my creators block too.  Thanks for stopping by!!!!! Also-check back tomorrow for my first Week in the Life post for 2020!!! (It's one of my favorite projects).